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Planning the Perfect Adventure Honeymoon

Does the idea of sitting on a beach for two weeks bore you? If you don't choose the right , you could end up lounging in a beach chair with absolutely nothing to do throughout your honeymoon.For some, this sounds like paradise.For others, it sounds like pointless tedium.If you are more into going places and having original, exciting experiences, then an adventure honeymoon is almost certainly for you.An adventure honeymoon is completely what you choose to make of it.It can range from learning to scuba dive to exploring an ancient ruin to going on safari.If you both prefer action, it can be fun to go hiking or mountain biking across continents.You may have some trouble choosing a pure adventure honeymoon if one of you prefers the beach, but instead of arguing why not combine the best of both worlds?

For example, you can start your honeymoon with a thrilling African safari in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, or Tanzania.You can then have some relaxation time in the beautiful islands of Mauritius or the Maldives, both dream honeymoon in Australia destinations and guaranteed to satisfy whichever half of your couple is longing for a stay by clear blue waters and soft sandy beaches.If you'd like to see a lot of a country, a road trip is in order. Whether you want to hike, mountain bike, or drive to various different locations to do both of those things is up to you. There are some fantastic locations around the world to explore. My personal favourite is Australia, which still feels very rough. Even travelling in a car through the centre of the country in the summer can remind you why so many explorers lost their lives trying to get across it to find something new.Many of the country's less inhabited parts are perfect for hiking and exploring, while not so far from civilisation that you'll worry about getting lost yourself.

If you're not actually into physical exertion but you'd still like to explore new things, try on an ancient temple for size. Many parts of Asia are home to crumbling, forgotten temples and palaces, most of which you can now explore to your heart's content. If you head to Cambodia you could visit Angkor Wat, one of the world's most famous ruins, and learn quite a bit about Cambodian culture while you're at it. You might even find yourself atop an elephant, learning to ride from a traditional elephant trainer called a mahout. You'll never have such an experience at home.

One of the best parts about having an adventure honeymoon in Australia is that it truly brings you and your new spouse together like little else can. This is especially true if your adventure has that thrill of danger, like the butterflies in your stomach when you head on a new, huge roller coaster for the first time. You know you'll be okay, but your instinct still leaves you just a little bit terrified. Experiencing that together and coming out the other side will give you fantastic memories and a wonderful base to your lifelong marriage.

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